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Saturday 23 November 2013

Time to think About.....

Developing time management skills is a journey

Strategies on using time:
                                         Practice make perfect, Perfection changes life 
Try this tip to develop our time and make changes in our life 
  • Blocks of study time and breaks
    Blocks our time of study in a typical week. Blocks ideally are around 50 minutes, but perhaps you become restless after only 30 minutes.Jot down one best time block you can study. How long is it? What makes for a good break for you? Can you control the activity and return to your studies?

  • Dedicated study spaces
    Determine a place free from distraction (***no cell phone or text messaging!) where you can maximize your concentration and be free of the distractions that friends or hobbies can bring!What is the best study space you can think of? What is another?
  • Weekly reviews
    Weekly reviews and updates are also an important strategy. Each week, like a Sunday night, review your assignments, your notes, your calendar. Be mindful that as deadlines and exams approach, your weekly routine must adapt to them!What is the best time in a week you can review?

  • Prioritize your assignments
    When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. You'll be fresh, and have more energy to take them on when you are at your best. For more difficult courses of study, try to be flexible: for example, build in reaction time when you can get feedback on assignments before they are due.What subject has always caused you problems?

  • Achieve "stage one"--get something done!
    The Chinese adage of the longest journey starting with a single step has a couple of meanings: First, you launch the project! Second, by starting, you may realize that there are some things you have not planned for in your process. Details of an assignment are not always evident until you begin the assignment. Another adage is that "perfection is the enemy of good", especially when it prevents you from starting! Given that you build in review, roughly draft your idea and get going! You will have time to edit and develop later.What is a first step you can identify for an assignment to get yourself started?

  • Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done!
    Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until your school work is finished!
    This can be the most difficult challenge of time management. As learners we always meet unexpected opportunities that look appealing, then result in poor performance on a test, on a paper, or in preparation for a task. Distracting activities will be more enjoyable later without the pressure of the test, assignment, etc. hanging over your head. Think in terms of pride of accomplishment. Instead of saying "no" learn to say "later".What is one distraction that causes you to stop studying?

  • Use your free time wisely                                                   
    Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc. Perhaps you've got music to listen to for your course in music appreciation, or drills in language learning?  
  • Identify resources to help you
    Using outside resources can save you time and energy, and solve problems.

  • Review notes and readings just before class
    This may prompt a question or two about something you don't quite understand, to ask about in class, or after. It also demonstrates to your teacher that you are interested and have prepared.How would you make time to review?Is there free time you can use?

  • Review lecture notes just after class
    Then review lecture material immediately after class.
    The first 24 hours are critical. Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review!How would you do this?Is there free time you can use?

Friday 16 November 2012


1 . Make a list on what to do 
A list of tasks will help you get a handle on what to do . 

2 . Balance your work and the effort that you want to put through 

3 . Focus on when your best  productive time of the day 

Some people they prefer in the morning and some people prefer in the evening . So , look for your best time to do your work . 

4 . manage with time 

Play a game with yourself by competing with the clock . Set your own time and against the clock .

5 . Take a break 

Clear your mind and refresh yourself to be more focus on work 

6 . Keep track of your progress

 Check your list and cross things off the list as they are completed.

7 . Have fun 

Not only refresh your mind  but also your body . Take a short hour and plan some thing fun for enjoy your time . 

8 . Get enough time to sleep 

Make sure you have about 6 - 8 hour time to sleep per day to keep you energetic  and able to think well .

GOOD LUCK FOR try this tips ...!!

Sunday 28 October 2012

GO AWAY U stress

After study too long makes many people suffer from stress , here some tips that  I want to share when a person who experience  symptoms of stress and how to overcome them.This information for everyone and I hope we can sharing more tips from your guys .Please comment if you have more information . cause I know as a student there are a lot of stress in everyday life .

1. Vomiting. 

 Stress and anxiety can also trigger vomiting and a condition called "cyclic vomiting syndrome," a condition in which people experience nausea and vomiting over an extended period of time — often, starting at the same time every day.

Solution :
Dealing with anxiety-induced dry heaves or vomiting starts with getting plenty of rest and drinking water (vomiting can cause a loss of electrolytes), and then finding ways to calm down or eliminate the source of your stress, such as practicing walking meditation.

2. Hair loss. 

There are multiple reasons that your hair could be falling out, from genetics to medications. But stress is one of them  .

3. Nosebleeds. 

There is some debate as to whether nosebleeds are triggered by stress, but studies have shown that, in some cases, patients who experience nosebleeds get them after finding themselves in stressful situations.  

Solution :
 Keep your blood pressure in check by drinking hibiscus tea. Simply escaping the daily hubbub for a while to brew it could be enough to lower your stress levels a bit.

4. Memory loss. 

If you notice you can't seem to remember the details you just discussed during a stressful meeting, it could be an effect of your shrunken hippocampus, says Jeffrey Rossman, PhD, psychologist and director of life management at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Mass., and advisor. Chronic stress can expose the hippocampus, the area of the brain that controls your short-term memory, to excessive levels of the stress hormone cortisol. And that can inhibit your brain's ability to remember things.

Solution :
Dealing with the root cause of your stress is the best way to get your memory back, but until that happens, write down important bits of information and find other ways to supercharge your memory.

5. Weakened immunity.

 Perhaps the most noticeable effect that stress has on your body is a weakened immune system, and that happens for a couple of reasons.

First, stress triggers the release of catecholemines, hormones that help regulate your immune system; prolonged release of these hormones can interfere with their ability to do that.

Second, says Rossman, stress shrinks your thymus gland, the gland that produces your infection-fighting white blood cells, and it damages telomeres, which are genes that help those immune cells reproduce.

 A good way to deal with stress and boost your immune system is to exercise; if you're so stressed out that you can't fit in those 30 minutes a day, try these other tricks for boosting immunity.

6. Excessive sweating. 

Everyone knows that you sweat more when you're stressed out, but some people suffer from hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating, particularly of the palms and feet.

 Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress-related sweating .

Wednesday 24 October 2012

wanita bertudung kamu indah ....

Tujuan tuntutan tudung kepada wanita 

1) Tuntutan agama Islam yang suci.

- Puteri Rasulullah kemudian menanyakan apa yang dilihat ayahandanya. “Aku lihat ada perempuan digantung rambutnya, otaknya mendidih.

Aku lihat perempuan digantung lidahnya, tangannya diikat ke belakang dan timah cair dituangkan ke dalam tengkoraknya. Fatimah Az-Zahra kemudian menanyakan mengapa mereka diseksa dengan teruk dalam keadaan itu?

Rasulullah menjawab, “Wahai puteriku, adapun mereka yang tergantung rambutnya hingga otaknya mendidih adalah wanita yang tidak  menutup rambutnya sehingga terlihat oleh lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya.

2) Mengurangkan dosa daripada terus dimurkai ALLAH

-Sehelai rambut yang diperlihat kepada seorang lelaki, satu dosa anda dapat.  Kalau sehelai rambut sengaja diperlihat kepada 10 lelaki maka 10 dosa anda dapat. Tahukah berapa ribu helai rambut anda?  

3) Lebih cerdik,selesa dan sihat

-Kepala yang dilindungi tudung akan lebih selesa, cuaca panas dapat dilindungi melalui pemakaian tudung. Kepala yang sihat dan selesa akan mendorong kelancaran perjalanan darah di otak, otak akan dapat berfikir dengan cepat dan baik.

Pemakaian tudung juga akan mengelakkan kepala dihinggap oleh serangga-serangga yang akan merosakkan rambut dan kepala.

4) Tidak membazir

- Tak perlu lagi ke kedai rambut atau salun untuk mencantikkan rambut dan membuang masa dengan meluruskan rambut dan mewarnakan rambut serta tidak membazir wang!

*Tidak salah untuk ke kedai rambut atau salun juga untuk mencantikkan diri untuk keselesaan diri bukan untuk pertunjukan semata .

5) Lebih sopan dan manis

-Lebih 98%  lelaki mengakui wanita bertudung nampak lebih sopan dan manis.  

6) Rambut lebih tahan lama dan sihat

-Fakta: Rambut yang terdedah kepada sinaran UV akan merosakkan dan menggalakkan keguguran rambut. Walaupun anda memakai pelbagai bahan kosmetik pelindung, hakikatnya bahan itu mengandungi bahan kimia yang berbahaya untuk rambut!

7) Menjadikan diri anda “Mahal”

- Kebanyakan lelaki berpendapat bahawa wanita bertudung ibarat buah epal manis yang sedang masak ranum di pokok tetapi sukar dicapai kerana kedudukannya di puncak pokok berbanding epal-epal lain.

 8 ) Lebih dihormati dan dihargai

- Wanita bertudung lebih dihormati ramai, setiap tutur katanya menjadi panduan dan kesopanan serta sifat merendah diri menjadikan anda begitu dikagumi

9.) Lebih disayangi oleh ALLAH

- Wanita yang bertudung dengan cara yang betul serta melaksanakan perintah ALLAH akan terus dilindungi oleh ALLAH sehingga akhirat.

10.) Calon Isteri

- Ramai lelaki yang menjadikan wanita islam yang bertudung sebagai pilihan utama mereka sebagai isteri.   Insyaallah…. ini pendapat  saya  ja 

pemakaian tudung adalah wajib kepada semua wanita islam ...

Aku nk k.....s

Petua   Langsing untuk semua ....

               Selain itu, senaman dan mengawal nafsu makan yg keterlaluan adalah jalan terbaik untuk gaya hidupsihat.

A) Caranya ialah mengubah cara pemakanan yang diamalkan daripada kebiasaan kepada satu kaedah yang baru iaitu
1.Apa yang kita ambil untuk sarapan diwaktu pagi ditukar kepada apa yang sepatutnya dimakanditengah hari dibawa dan dimakan diwaktu pagi.
2.Pada waktu tengah hari jangan makan makan yang mengenyangkan, cukup sekadar buah-buahan atau jangan makan langsung.
3.Makan malam diawalkan dan diambil dalam lingkungan waktu jam 7.00 malam.
4.Jangan makan selepas pukul 9.00 malam walaupun anda belum makan apa apa sebelumnya.

Jika perlu juga cukup sekadar segelas susu atau buah- buahan atau makanlah sedikit tetapi jangan mengambil makanan yang telah dimasak (makan berat). 

B) Cara yang kedua sebagai amalan tambahan, berpuasa 2 kali seminggu (setiap hari Isnin dan Khamis), mestiberpuasa dengan niat diwaktu malam yang kita hendak berpuasa pada hari esok. Bukan menahan lapar sahajayang diikuti dengan makan sedikit atau minum. Pada hari ketika kita berpuasa sangat elok kita melakukansenaman. Walaupun manusia itu tahu bagaimana untuk menguruskan badannya, walaupun manusia itu memangsedar bahawa kegemukan itu mudah mengundang penyakit, namun manusia mudah lupa dan tidak berdayauntuk melakukannya lantaran tiadanya disiplin. Jadinya salahkanlah diri sendiri kerana "sikap adalahmenghukum diri".

C) Ada satu lagi petua yg mudah diikuti. Setiap kali bangun pagi, waktu tengahari dan sebelum masuk tidur disebelah malam, amalkan meminum secawan teh cina (hijau) yg dicampurkan dengan limau nipis atau kasturi.Insyaallah,anda akan lihat kesannya selepas 7-14 hari mengamalkannya